Parent-Child Attachment Play

These sessions are for parents only. Over the course of six sessions, the practitioner introduces techniques and strategies for parents to follow and reflect upon. Three fundamental skills are shared with parents through interactive workshop-style sessions. 

  • Play (set-up of a playbox of activities designed around the preferences of the child)
  • Containment (managing time, environment, emotions and helping children to make helpful choices)
  • Head, Heart and Hands (an attachment tool based on evidence-based Reflective Functioning)

The tools introduced aim to increase parental sensitivity and understanding which is proven to increase attachment security in children. Through dedicated weekly play times parents strengthen the relationship between themselves and their children which in turn reduces emotional and behavioural challenges. 

client-centred, evidence-based, grounded in neuroscience, holistic, non-judgemental, non-pathologizing, trauma-informed